Butterfly Valve

      Butterfly valves provide a unique combination of simplicity, durability and reliability. They are low cost, easy to install, ideally suited for open/shut services. It is also suitable for throttling service.

      The application cover a various range of liquids and gases, including water, natural gas, oils (animal, vegetable and mineral), dilute acid etc.

1. Metal seated (low leakage and regulating)
  • - BS EN 593 6/10/16 bar DN 80 to 1500

2. Resilient seat (tight shut-off)
  • - AWWA C-504 class 25/75/150A, B size 3”-140” (80 to 3500)
  • - AWWA C-504 class 250B size 3”- 48” (80 to 1200)
  • - BS EN593 6/10/16 bar DN 80 to 3500

Butterfly Valve

Wafer Butterfly Valve